Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Episode 6: Is Corey Gates Catholic?

[Cue dramatic music...]

Tonight is when I was to tell my husband about my recent interest and monetary investment in Tube Cash Code. Since I have signed us up for a phone call tomorrow night, I figured I need to fill him in.

Were there emotions involved? Yes. Did I anticipate his reaction? Yes and no. I came home, and we sat down to talk. I knew that he would listen and that he would give me his honest assessment. I wanted that honesty. He is the love of my life and I trust him implicitly.

I began by explaining what II have been doing for the past week or so in terms of seriously searching for work-at-home opportunities. I did not need a body language expert to tell me that my husband's posture stiffened while I was explaining what tomorrow night's call is going to be about. His crossed arms were indicative of a defensive posture. He was not smiling. He was leaning AWAY from me. His lips were almost white as they pressed together. All of these were signs that things were not going well. I stopped and let him have his time.

There were no curse words. He reminded me of the Rich Dad seminar that I dragged him to a few years ago and how that never panned out, I told him that I still believe that the real estate market is a viable place to make money, but admittedly it is probably not a good fit for me. I am not a phone person who can do business that way. I was not confident enough to bargain people down on their products or services. I have learned a lot and believe differently now compared to then.

Any how, the conversation turned into an opportunity for me to sell myself. I cried, naturally, but only a few tears. It was not a sentimental brain wash where he had to give in. He was understanding of my need and desire to be my own boss, to get out from under an over all structure that has philosophical differences in belief from what I believe. I am tired of working for an agency that does not appreciate or value my skills and my contributions. I put in hours of work, overtime even, and I get nothing for it. If I am going to invest hours of overtime and invest myself in a business, I want to reap the benefits.

I hope and pray that my ship is about to come in under this Tube Cash Code system. I will work hard and follow the leads provided if they can convince me that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

One last note for now. I went back and re-watched several Corey Gates videos, and the screenshot below has me really discombobulated. There is a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) on the credenza in the back ground. Is this Corey's house? If so, he MUST be Catholic. No Protestant (much less a Jew, Buddhist, or atheist) would dare have a statue of Mary in his house. If hoes he know what the statue means then it is most likely not his home. That raises concern and questions. If he IS Catholic, then he must have values (and Catholic guilt) to which I can appeal (and relate).

The plot thickens, so stay tuned. And bring on the hard work!


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