We are all familiar with the old adage: “Don’t walk in front
of me, I may not follow; don’t walk behind me, I may not lead; just walk beside
me and be my friend.” It’s a nice thought for human companions. Last year when
our dogs went to obedience training, the trainer explained that when walking
your dog, you should not let them lead the way. Unfortunately, our dogs did not
learn that lesson. Haha. The three of them are not about to walk beside me,
although they may linger behind to get in a longer smell or to mark an object
(if you get my drift.) Since then, I have occasionally seen that sentiment repeated.
Today I came across
article on Dog Breeder Info Center that explains the proper way to walk
your dog on a leash. It is the best article I have seen on the subject.
Unfortunately, I still resemble the “incorrect way to walk your dogs” photo.
But I still enjoy my little jaunts around the neighborhood with our trio!
And since Esquire Treats are not just for humans, if you want to reward your dogs after their walk, try
the latest cheese treat for dogs called
available at